you are worth showing up for.

Your Marriage is WOrth Showing up for.

Our services

* All Christian counseling and coaching services integrate faith into every session


Are you a woman who is struggling in her professional or personal life? Are you feeling overlooked, undervalued and unappreciated? Are you struggling with feeling enough or worth it? Are you frustrated with repeating the same mistakes and have no clue how to get out of that loop? Are you in a new chapter, career or relationship and filled with anxiety? Are you trying to learn about yourself and the woman God created you to be?

It’s never too late to become the best you. Research shows that your experiences shape your present and future- how you react and respond, decisions you make, and what you choose to believe about your world and yourself.

When you believe a false narrative you will never be able to reach your full potential. You will always be struggling to move forward because you are allowing lies and your past to hold you back from embracing the woman you were meant to be.

Our goal is to provide a safe and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts, emotions, and experiences so you begin to heal and grow. Through collaboration you will gain insight into your strengths, develop coping skills, find direction and purpose and increase self-care. This will help you build resilience, increase self-worth, and regain a sense of control over your life. We want you to feel empowered, so you can thrive personally and professionally.

We would love to help you heal, learn and grow while becoming a more confident, whole, and healthy version of you.

You CAN achieve the life you want!

50 mins |  $125  

Couples + Premarital

Do you find yourselves arguing about the same issues and never seem to reach resolution? Is your intimacy non-existent and you feel like roommates- or maybe it’s an area you’ve always struggled in and want to experience more but don’t know how? Are you feeling stuck in the same cycle and have no clue how to change it- like you’re on a merry-go-round going round and round wondering if you’ll ever get off?

There are many reasons why relationships get to this point. New seasons, life changes, past wounds, and transitions can leave you feeling overwhelmed, hurt and disconnected. Unfortunately, this can lead to resentment and shame which fosters a false narrative that you can never come back from this. Thankfully, that is not true and this is not where it has to end.

Renewed creates a safe and neutral space to allow couples to openly communicate and address underlying issues so they can begin to engage in productive conversations leading to greater understanding, empathy, and in some cases compromise. Our main priority is stopping the unhealthy cycle you’re stuck in and creating a new cycle which will allow you to sustain a healthier and happier marriage.

Our goal is for you to leave having learned healthier communication patterns, effective conflict resolution strategies, and gain insight into your individual needs and desires within the relationship. Ultimately, this will strengthen and deepen your desire and connection for each other resulting in closeness, intimacy, and gratitude towards one another.

Allow us to help you begin this journey towards renewal, restoration, reconciliation, and reconnection today.

50 mins |  $150

75 mins |  $225

90 mins |  $275  

Renewed has a huge passion for supporting premarrieds, newlyweds, and couples in those early years. We strongly believe what you know (or don’t know) will directly impact your relationship and your future. By equipping our couples with knowledge and tools that will allow them to show up the way their spouse or relationship needs will change the trajectory of their marriage.

We’d love to help foster, strengthen, and grow your relationship- its never too late.

50 mins |  $150

75 mins |  $225

90 mins |  $275  

Motherhood + infertility

Have you ever questioned if you were enough for your kids? Have you ever felt totally defeated like you’re a complete failure and royally messing them up? Have you ever believed that no other mom struggles as much as you? Most women do not feel adequate or confident in being a mom. Majority of moms struggle to believe they are exactly what their kids need- even at their worst.

Motherhood is hard. Whether it's the overwhelming demands of juggling parenthood, work, and personal life, or dealing with postpartum depression, anxiety and the changes this season brings. There are so many unique struggles moms face that is easy to become overwhelmed, burned out, and touched out. Unfortunately, this is usually where moms live- in the space that is not life giving, but life taking struggling to find the joy in motherhood.

Here at RENEWED we get it because we are moms ourselves. We know those roads, those steps, those hills and valleys. We also know how important it is to have a village of people who love and support you. Our goal is to offer a safe and nonjudgmental space for you to explore emotions and develop coping strategies. This will help you gain insight into your own needs, learn effective communication skills, and develop self-care routines that prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.

Let us be apart of your village and help you walk this road with a whole lot of grace while restoring your peace and finding your joy, improving your relationships and fostering a healthier and more confident approach to parenting.

50 mins |  $125  

Infertility is one of the most painful, lonely, and anxious roads a woman can walk. There are so many questions, unknowns, and fears- will this work? will we ever become parents? will I miscarry again? what if we can’t have biological kids? how far are we willing to go? does he even want this anymore? is she going to give up? how much more can I take?

The road to motherhood is not always as easy as you’ve been told which is the hardest and most shocking reality to experience. You’ve been dreaming for so long and so desperately want this, but it’s heartbreak after heartbreak, struggle after struggle.

You deserve a safe and compassionate space to share your fears, frustrations, and hopes without judgement or quick replies. We would be honored to create and hold this space for you as you continue pursuing your deepest dream- being a mom.

We also support couples who are walking this road together. Relationships are directly impacted by stress and loss- it makes sense you feel less connected. However, counseling can foster open communication and strengthen relationships, creating a strong foundation for couples to face these challenges together.

Our goal is to support and empower individuals and couples to navigate their fertility journey with resilience and hope.

50 mins |  $125  ind

50 mins |  $150 couple

*see couples section for rate increments

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.